We’ve all got them. That cursed dice that looks oh so pretty but always rolls a 1 when you need it the least. That set you got as a freebie that just isn’t quite your style. That extra d20 you never actually use.

We cordially invite dice gremlins one and all to stop by our Boardgame area to take part in our Daring Dice Exchange!

The concept is simple: leave a dice, take a dice! Leave any dice you either don’t use, don’t trust, or those that have wronged you for the last time, and come away with some shiny new math rocks!

The exchange will be open throughout the con, so you’re welcome to come back and trade as many times as you’d like!

Ps. The exchange operates on the honor system, and while our crew will be in the area they won’t be actively running the exchange. We trust all our visitors to participate in good faith. Exchange one dice for one dice, leave something of approximately the same value as you take (don’t exchange all your d4’s for d20’s) and keep it to actual TTRPG dice, not your old shabby boardgame dice.




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